Baker, A.J.L. & Murov, R. (2024). Psychological maltreatment: What doctors need to know. In V.J, Palusci, D., Nazer, D. E. Greydanus, & J. Merrick (EDS). Child Maltreatment: An Introduction to the Medical Evaluation (pp. 227-238). Nova Science Publishers.
Baker. A.J.L., Brassard, M.R., Rosenzweig, J., & Murov, R. (2024). Human service professionals’ observations of suboptimal parenting: Barriers to intervention and potential solutions. Children and Youth Services Review, 162.
Baker, A.J.L., Brassard, M.R., Kagan, J., Stormer, B., Adkins, K.L., Rosenzweig, J., & Chandler-Ofuya, N. (2023). Online parenting information through the lens of child abuse prevention: A content analysis. Child Welfare, 100 (5), 53-77.
Baker, A.J.L., Brassard, M.R., Rosenzweig, J., Kagan, J., Stormer, B., & Adkins, K.L. (2023). Do online parenting blogs discourage psychological maltreatment and corporal punishment? Journal of Public Child Welfare, 18 (2).
Stormer, B., Chandler-Ofuya, N., Baker, A.J.L., Brassard, M.R., Balin, T., & Rosenzweig, J. (2023). Caregiver psychological maltreatment of children on TikTok. Child Maltreatment, 1-14. DOI: 10.1177/10775595231211616
Hart, S. N., & Brassard, M. R. (2022). Psychological maltreatment: A threat to children not to be ignored. In R. D. Krugman & J. E. Korbin, Handbook of child maltreatment 2nd edition (pp. 93-116). NY: Springer.
Baker, A.J.L., Brassard, M.R., & Rosenzweig, J. (2021). Providing parents with advice about alternatives to psychological maltreatment: A survey of professionals in child maltreatment. Child Welfare, 99 (1), 93-115.
Baker, A.J.L., Brassard, M.R., & Rosenzweig, J. (2021). Psychological maltreatment: Definition and reporting barriers among American professionals in the field of child abuse. Child Abuse & Neglect, 114.
Brassard, M. R., Hart, S. N., & Glaser, D. (2020). Psychological maltreatment: An international challenge to children's safety and well-being. Child Abuse and Neglect, 110(Part 1), 104611. Doi: 10.1016/j.chiabu.2020.104611.
Baker, A.J.L. (2019). Reported rates of psychological maltreatment and US state statues: Implications for policy. APSAC Advisor, 31(3), 13-17.
Baker, A. J. L., & Brassard, M. R. (2019). Predictors of variation in state reported rates of psychological maltreatment: A survey of U.S. statutes and a call for change. Child Abuse & Neglect, 96.
Brassard, M. R., Hart, S. N., Baker, A. J. L., & Chiel, Z. A. (2019). The APSAC Monograph on Psychological Maltreatment. APSAC Monograph 1,
Brassard, M. R. (2019). Psychological Maltreatment is at least as harmful as other forms of child abuse and neglect: A research review. APSAC Advisor, 31(3), 18-27.
Hart, S. N., & Brassard, M. R. (2019). Psychological Maltreatment—A Major Child Development and Protection Issue. APSAC Advisor, 31(3), 1-18.
Baker, A.J.L. & Schneiderman, M. (2018). Bonded to the abuser: How and why abused children maintain attachment relationships with abusive caregivers. APSAC Advisor, 30(4), 42-52.
Hart, S. N., Brassard, M. R., Baker, A. J. L., & Chiel, Z. A. (2017). Psychological maltreatment of children. In J. B. Klika and J. Conte, The APSAC handbook on child maltreatment, 4th Edition, (pp. 145-162). San Jose, CA: Sage.
Brassard, M. R. & Melmed, L. (2017). Psychological maltreatment. In R. Alexander (Ed.), Research and practices in child maltreatment: Definitions of abuse and prevention (Volume 1 of 2, pp. 335-360). Florissant, MO: STM Learning.
Baker, A.J.L. & Schneiderman, M. (2015). Bonded to the abuser: How victims make sense of childhood abuse. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.
Brassard, M. R., & Fiorvanti, C. M. (2015). School-based child abuse prevention programs. Psychology in the Schools, 52(1), 40-60. DOI:10.1002/pits.21811
Fiorvanti, C. M., & Brassard, M. R. (2014). Advancing child protection through respecting children’s rights: A shifting emphasis for school psychology. School Psychology Review, 43(4), 349-366.
McLoughlin, C. S., & Hart, S. N. (2014). Children’s rights and school psychology: An introduction to the multiple journal series honoring the 25th anniversary of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. In selected 2014 editions of School Psychology International, Psychology in the Schools, School Psychology Quarterly, School Psychology Review, Journal of School Psychology, and Journal of Educational and Psychological Consultation. (authors reversed in some publications).
Baker, A.J.L., Brassard, M.R., Schneiderman, M., & Donnelly, L.J. (2013). Foster children’s report of psychological maltreatment experiences. Journal of Public Child Welfare, 7(3), 235-252.
Brassard, M. R. & Edwards, A. (2013). Child maltreatment: Psychological. In Encyclopedia of quality of life research at
Baker, A.J.L., Schneiderman, M., & Brassard, M.R. (2012). What works in preventing psychological maltreatment. In P. Curtis and G. Alexander (Eds.), What works in child welfare (pp. 63-80). Washington, DC: Child Welfare League of America.
Baker, A.J.L., Schneiderman, M., Brassard, M.R., & Donnelly, L.J. (2012). Do evidence-based group parenting programs for high-risk or maltreating parents include content about psychological maltreatment?: A Program review. Child Welfare, 91(2), 7-38.
Baker, A.J.L., & Festinger, T. (2011). Emotional abuse and emotional neglect subscales of the CTQ: Associations with each other, other measures of psychological maltreatment, and demographic variables. Children and Youth Services Review, 33, 2297-2302. DOI: 10.1016/j.childyouth.2011.07.018
Baker, A.J.L., Schneiderman, M. & Pelcovitz, D. (2011). Do evidence-based and effective programs for abused and traumatized children address the issue of psychological maltreatment: A survey of program developers. APSAC Advisor, 23(3), 3-14.
Baker, A.J.L., Brassard, M.R., Schneiderman, Donnelly, L.J., & Bahl, A. (2011). How well do evidence-based universal parenting programs teach parents about psychological maltreatment?: A program review. Child Abuse & Neglect, 35, 855-865. DOI: 10.1016/j.chiabu.2011.05.013.
Baker, A.J.L. & Festinger, T. (2011). Adult recall of childhood psychological maltreatment: A comparison of five scales. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment, and Trauma, 20(1), 70-89. DOI: 10.1080/10926771.2011.538006.
Baker, A. J., Brassard, M. R., Schneiderman, M. S., Donnelly, L. J., & Bahl, A. (2011). How well do evidence-based universal parenting programs teach parents about psychological maltreatment?: A program review. Child Abuse & Neglect, 35(10), 855-865.
Donovan, K. L., &; Brassard, M. R. (2011). Trajectories of maternal verbal aggression across the middle school years: Associations with negative view of self and social problems. Child Abuse & Neglect, 35(10), 814-830.
Hart, S.N., Brassard, M.R., Davidson, H.A., Rivelis, E., Diaz-Thompson, V., & Binggelli, N. (2011) Psychological maltreatment. In Meyers, J.E.B., & APSAC (Eds.), The APSAC handbook on child maltreatment (3rd Ed) (pp. 125-144). Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
Hart, S.N., Lee, Y., & Wenham, M. (2011). A new age for child protection- General Comment 13: Why it is important, how it as constructed, and what it intends. Child Abuse & Neglect, 35, 970-978
Hart, S. N., & Glaser, D. (2011). Psychological maltreatment – Maltreatment of the mind: A catalyst for advancing child protection toward proactive primary prevention and promotion of personal well-being. Child Abuse & Neglect, 35, 758-766.
Hart, S.M., Brassard, M.R., Davidson, H.A., Rivelis, E., Diaz-Thompson, V., & Binggelli, N. (2011) Psychological maltreatment. In Meyers, J.E.B., & APSAC (Eds.), The APSAC handbook on child maltreatment (3rd Ed) (pp. 125-144). Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
Baker, A.J.L. & Maiorino, E. (2010). Assessments of emotional abuse and neglect with the CTQ: Issues and estimates. Children and Youth Services Review, 32, 740-748. DOI: 10.1016/j.childyouth.2010.01.011
Festinger, T., & Baker, A.J.L. (2010). Prevalence of recalled childhood emotional abuse among child welfare staff and related well-being factors. Children and Youth Services Review, 32(4), 520-526. DOI: 10.1016/j.childyouth.2009.11.004
Hart, S. N., Brassard, M. R., Davidson, H. A., Rivelis, E., Diaz, V., & Binggeli, N. (2010). Psychological maltreatment. In J. Myers (Ed.), The APSAC handbook on child maltreatment: 3rd Edition. London: Sage Publications.
Baker, A.J.L. (2009). Adult recall of childhood psychological abuse: Definitional strategies and challenges. Children and Youth Services Review, 31(7), 703-714. DOI: 10.1016/j.childyouth.2009.03.001
Brassard, M. R. & Rivelis, E. (2006). Psychological and physical abuse. In G. Bear & K. Minke (Eds.), Children’s needs III: Understanding and addressing the developmental needs of children (pp. 799-820). Bethesda, MC: NASP.
Brassard, M. R. & Donovan, K. L. (2006). Defining psychological maltreatment. In Feerick, M. M., Knutson, J. F., Trickett, P. K., & Flanzer, S. M. (Eds.), Child abuse and neglect: Definitions, classifications, and framework for research (pp. 151-197). Baltimore, MD: Brookes Publishing.
Brassard, M. R. & Rivelis, E. (2006). Psychological and physical abuse. In G. Bear & K. Minke (Eds.), Children’s needs III: Understanding and addressing the developmental needs of children (pp. 799-820). Bethesda, MC: NASP.
Brassard, M. R. & Donovan, K. L. (2006). Defining psychological maltreatment. In Feerick, M. M., Knutson, J. F., Trickett, P. K., & Flanzer, S. M. (Eds.), Child abuse and neglect: Definitions, classifications, and framework for research (pp. 151-197). Baltimore, MD: Brookes Publishing.
Hart, S. N., Brassard, M. R., Binggeli, N. J., & Davidson, H. S. (2003). Psychological maltreatment. Encyclopedia of marriage and family relations, 1, 221-227. New York: MacMillan Reference USA.
Hart, S. N., Brassard, M. R., Binggeli, N., & Davidson, H. A. (2002). Psychological maltreatment. In J.E.B. Meyers, L. Berliner, J. Briere, C.T. Hendrix, C. Jenny, & T.A. Reid (Eds.), The APSAC handbook on child maltreatment (2nd ed., pp. 70-103). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Brassard, M. R., Hart, S. N. & Hardy, D. B. (2001). Psychological and emotional abuse. In R. T. Ammerman and M. Hersen (Eds.), Case studies in family violence (2nd edition, pp. 293-322). New York: Plenum.
Binggeli, N., Hart, S., & Brassard, M. R. (2001). Psychological maltreatment of children (Child abuse and neglect series). Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
Binggeli, N. J., Hart, S. N., and Brassard, M. R. (2001) Psychological maltreatment of children: The APSAC Study Guides 4. Thousand Oaks: Sage.
Hart, S. N., Brassard, M. R., Binggeli, N.; & Davidson, H. A. (2001). Psychological maltreatment. In L. Berliner, J. Briere, J. Bulkley, C. Jenny, T. Reid (Eds.), The APSAC handbook on child abuse and neglect 2nd Edition. London: Sage Publications.
Brassard, M. R., Hart, S. N. & Hardy. D. B. (2000). Psychological and emotional abuse. In R. T. Ammerman & M. Hersen (eds.), Case studies in family violence (2nd edition). New York: Plenum.
Brassard, M. R., & Hart, S. N. (2000). What is psychological maltreatment? In H. Dubowitz & D. DePanfilis (Eds.), Handbook for child protection practice. London: Sage.
Brassard, M. R. & Hart, S. N. (2000). What is psychological maltreatment? In H. Dubowitz &D. DePanfilis (Eds.), Handbook for child protection practice (pp. 23-30). Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
Brassard, M. R. & Hart, S. N. (2000). How do I determine if a child has been psychologically maltreated? In H. Dubowitz & D. DePanfilis (Eds.), Handbook for child protection practice (pp. 215-219). Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
Prior to 2000
Hart, S., Binggeli, N., & Brassard, M. R. (1999). Der Kern des Kindsmissbrauchs. Psychoscope, 20, 4-8. (German language edited version of Hart, S. N., Binggeli, N., & Brassard, M. R. (1998). Evidence for the effects of psychological maltreatment. Journal of Emotional Abuse, 1(1), 27-58.)
Hart, S. N., Binggeli, N., & Brassard, M. R. (1998). Evidence for the effects of psychological maltreatment. Journal of Emotional Abuse, 1(1), 27-58.
Hart, S.N., & Brassard, M. R. (1996). Psychological maltreatment. In R. Gelles (Ed.), Vision 2010: Families & violence. Minneapolis: National Council on Family Relations.
Hart, S. N., Brassard, M. R., & Karlson, H. C. (1996). Psychological maltreatment. In L. Berliner, J. Briere, J. Bulkley, C. Jenny, T. Reid (Eds.), The APSAC handbook on child abuse and neglect. London: Sage Publications.
Hart, S. N., Pidaparti, C., Foster, E., Nettles, G., Elliott, T., & Ferguson, P. (1995). Child maltreatment: Responsibilities and responses of the schools: 2nd Edition. Indianapolis, IN: Office for the Study of the Psychological Rights of the Child, Indiana University-Purdue University at Indianapolis (Distributed by the Indiana Department of Education).
Brassard, M. R., Hart, S. N., & Hardy, D. B. (1993). The psychological maltreatment rating scales. Child Abuse & Neglect, 17, 715-729.
Brassard, M. R., Hart, S. N., & Hardy, D. (1991). Psychological and emotional abuse of children. In R. T. Ammerman & M. Hersen (Eds.), Case studies in family violence (pp. 255-270). New York: Wiley.
Hart, S., N., & Brassard, M. R. (1991). Psychological maltreatment: Progress achieved. Development and Psychopathology, 3, 61-70.
Hart, S. N., & Brassard, M. R. (1990). Psychological maltreatment of children. In A. T. Ammerman & M. Hersen (Eds.), Treatment of family violence: A sourcebook (pp. 77-112). New York: John Wiley and Sons.
Hart, S. N., & Brassard, M. R. (1989). Teacher's guide to Spiderman on emotional abuse. 1, 1. New York: Marvel Comics.
Hart, S. (1988). Psychological maltreatment: Emphasis on prevention. School Psychology International, 9, 243‑255. Translated to Slovene as: Psiholosko trpincenje: Poudarekna preprecevanju, in Z. Pavlovic (1990). Psiholoske pravice otrok (pp. 25-45). Ljubljana, Yugoslavia: Drustvo psihologov Slovenije.
Hart, S., & Maxson, S. (1988). Child maltreatment: responsibilities and response of the schools. Policy Issue Series No. 4, the Consortium on Educational Policy Studies of Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana.
Turgi, P., & Hart, S. N. (1988). Psychological maltreatment prevention. In O. C. S. Tzeng & J. Jacobsen (Eds.), Sourcebook on child abuse and neglect. Springfield: C. J. Thomas.
Brassard, M. R., Germain, R., & Hart, S. N. (Eds.) (1987). Psychological maltreatment of children and youth. New York: Pergamon.
Hart, S. N. (1987). Psychological maltreatment in schooling. School Psychology Review, 16(2), 169-180.
Hart, S. N. & Brassard, M. R. (1987). A major mental health threat to children: Psychological maltreatment. American Psychologist, 42, 160‑165.
Brassard, M. R., & Hart, S. N. (1987). Emotional abuse: Words can hurt. Chicago: National Committee for the Prevention of Child Abuse. (Translated into Danish by Jacobsen, E., Schlegel, I., Copenhagen, 1990)
Hart, S. N. & Brassard, M. R. (1987). Psychological maltreatment: Integration and summary. In M. R. Brassard, R. Germain & S. N. Hart (Eds)., Psychological maltreatment of children and youth (pp. 254‑266). New York: Pergamon.
Hart, S. N., Brassard, M. R. & Germain, R. (1987). Psychological maltreatment and education/schooling. In M. R. Brassard, R. Germain, & S. N. Hart (Eds.), Psychological maltreatment of children and youth (pp.217‑242). New York: Pergamon.
Hart, S. N., Germain, R. & Brassard, M. R. (1987). The challenge: To better understand and combat psychological maltreatment of children and youth. In M. R. Brassard, R. Germain, & S. N. Hart (Eds.), Psychological maltreatment of children and youth (pp.3‑24). New York: Pergamon.
Germain, R., Brassard, M. R., & Hart, S. N. (1987). Crisis intervention for maltreatment children. School Psychology Review, 14( 3), 219‑245.
Hart, S. N., Gelardo, M., & Brassard, M. R. (1986). Psychological maltreatment. In J. Jacobsen (Ed.) (1986). Psychiatric sequelae of child abuse. Springfield: C. Thomas.
Hart, S. N. (1984). Essay review of Melton, G.; Child Advocacy: Psychological issues and interventions. Journal of Research and Development in Education.
Hart, S. N. (1983). Prepared statement: Written testimony on "mental injury" category of the Child Abuse and Prevention Act. In Hearings before the Subcommittee on Family and Human services of the Committee on Labor and Human Resource, United States Senate, Ninety‑Eighth Congress (pp. 451‑454). Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office.
Hart, S. (1982, December). Psychological abuse: In pursuit of understanding, prevention and correction. NASP Communique, XI, 3, 1-2.