Mel Schneiderman, Ph.D.
Co-Founder - New York Foundling's Vincent J. Fontana Center for Child Protection
Amy J.L. Baker, Ph.D.
Director of Research - New York Foundling's Vincent J. Fontana Center for Child Protection
Marla R. Brassard, Ph.D.
Professor Emeritus of Psychology and Education - Teachers College, Columbia University
Roslyn Murov, M.D.
Medical Director - Developmental Disabilities Division-New York Foundling
Jody Todd Manly, Ph.D.
Clinical Director of Mt. Hope Family Center and Research Professor at the University of Rochester
Stuart Hart, Ph.D.
Principal of Strategic Initiatives - International Institute for Child Rights & Development
Judith S. Rycus Ph.D., MSW
Program Director, Institute for Human Services and Child Maltreatment Policy Resource Center
Please feel free to reach out to a committee chair to learn more about their work.
Research Committee
Amy Baker
Social Media/Social Norms Committee
Amy Baker
Training Committee
Mel Schneiderman mel.schneiderman@gmail.com